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Design Summary

- You are stuck inside a subway station populated by animals frozen in time.

- In order to escape this loose adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, your character needs to un-freeze the animals so that they can gather together to have a "Tea Party," which will return time to its normal state.



- Used Blueprints to script character movement, animation, and dialogue playback.



- Cut together sound bites from audiobook recording of Alice in Wonderland relating to time and the tea party.



- Manipulated post processing and lighting to create different looks for level, referencing lighting of the film Eraserhead.



- Initially story information was more explicit and conveyed from more audio sources - cell phones, old fashioned phones in the subway, and intercoms. A larger story was conveyed about the character Time being behind the time disturbances.

- During play testing the longer explicit sound bites and additional sources took away from the intended surreal experience, and so I focused on only the animals speaking to you in short cryptic riddles that more broadly connected to the bigger themes.


Underground Wonderland

Underground Wonderland

Play Video

Exhibited at PAX East 2020 as part of  the Becker College student showcase.


Made in Unreal.


Assets used:

City Subway Train 

Urban Underground 

Animal Variety Pack 

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